Thursday 3 November 2011

Intertextuality and music video

Intertextuality shows how a text is shaped by the relationship with another text. 

John Stewart: ' Visual reference in music video comes from arrange of sources, though the three most frequent are perhaps cinema, fashion and art photography. 

Through the music video of 'Material Girl',  the narrative within, the film 'Gentlemen prefer blondes'  is evident. Mary Lambert, the music producer of the video, dressed Madonna in similar clothings and the choreography is also similar to that shown in the film. Through this, the intertextual image is shown the 'sexy blonde' look that was present in Hollywood. 

Another way intertexuality is used is within two music videos using the same concept. This is shown in 'Shania Twains' - I feel like a woman' and Robert Palmer ' Addicted to love'.

The way in which the videos are similar show how fashion photography is evident in intertextuality. The clothing worn in similar and the way in which both artists are surrounded by either four women or men playing instruments is seen. Furthermore, in Robert Palmers  music video, there is a more sexual focus on the body than in Shania Twains.

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