Monday, 26 March 2012

Analysis of previous students work

This music video was produced by a group of students from the year before me and personally I feel is excellent due to its great performance, editing and footage. 
From the start of the music video, the lip syncing is evidently perfect and looks as if the performer in the video is singing. The lighting makes the focus on the female performer even more significant as all the focus is on her; further being shown by the yellow dress she is wearing.  The quick edits and cuts also keep the audience wanting to watch more as a narrative is slowly starting to be apparent in the video. 

Furthermore, Goodwins theory can be applied to this music video for various reasons. The notion of looking and voyeurism is evident as performer is continually seen in tights and dresses making the video appealing for the male audience. 
The link with the lyrics and visual is also evident in this music video when the girl sings ' it's been such a long time' and the fridge magnets spell this out on the fridge. Also, the girl is asking if he is 'really coming back for me' as she sits at home waiting, showing that the lyrics do link with the video and narrative. 
This can also be classified as a narrative based music video as she is waiting for 'him' to come back to her and she acts this out in a way in the video as she is seen alone, waiting for someone throughout the video. 

The various close up shots of the performer connect the audience to the music video as we can see her feelings and emotions in depth and feel a connection. Moreover, the video has an edgy and indie feel to it, creating a uniqueness within the video. 

Overall, I think the video has many different shots and angles, which make the video more intriguing, combined with bright lighting, a good performer and a well acted performance. 

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